pop_proj_relative: Relative Growth Projections for Different Counties This dataset is extended from the 2022 SC RFA data using the methods described in the documentation. This dataset provides relative growth projections for different counties under moderate and high growth scenarios. It includes calculations for growth rates and driver growth factors under each scenario.
pop_proj_relative: Relative Growth Projections for Different Counties This dataset is extended from the 2022 SC RFA data using the methods described in the documentation. This dataset provides relative growth projections for different counties under moderate and high growth scenarios. It includes calculations for growth rates and driver growth factors under each scenario.
The dataset is a data frame with the following columns:
Name of the county
Year of Projection (2000-2070)
Population in the high growth scenario
Population in the moderate growth scenario
Relative growth in population under the moderate growth scenario
Relative growth in population under the high growth scenario
The formulas used in the dataset are as follows:
Moderate Growth Scenario (Moderate): $$Growth\_{moderate} = \max(Growth\_{linear}, 0)$$ Here, \(Growth\_{linear}\) represents the average annual increase in population.
High Growth Scenario (High): $$Growth\_{hi} = Growth\_{exp\_floor} \times 1.10$$ \(Growth\_{exp}\) is the exponential growth rate. \(Growth\_{exp\_floor}\) is set to at least the state average growth rate.
Driver Growth Factors: $$Driver\_{growth\_mod} = \frac{Moderate Population\ in\ Year\ X}{Moderate Population\ in\ 2021}$$ $$Driver\_{growth\_hi} = \frac{High Population\ in\ Year\ X}{High Population\ in\ 2021}$$
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#> County Year High Moderate Driver_growth_mod Driver_growth_hi
#> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 ABBEVILLE 2021 24071. 24071. 1 1
#> 2 ABBEVILLE 2022 24291. 23930. 0.994 1.01
#> 3 ABBEVILLE 2023 24513. 23789. 0.988 1.02
#> 4 ABBEVILLE 2024 24738. 23648. 0.982 1.03
#> 5 ABBEVILLE 2025 24964. 23507. 0.977 1.04
#> 6 ABBEVILLE 2026 25192. 23345. 0.970 1.05