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An R-package containing population projections for the state of South Carolina.

scpopulation is an open-source R-package published as a repository on GitHub. The package stores county level population data and projections from the South Carolina Office of Revenue and Fiscal Affairs (SC RFA), extended to 2070 and with an additional high growth scenario. The population projection scenarios presented here have been used for water availability planning in SC. This website documents the scpopulation R-package and provides access to the data for the general public without requiring the use of R software.

This package was developed by Dr. Charles Alex Pellett, while working at the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SC DNR) and subsequently the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SC DES). This information is intended for research and long-term water planning. None of the above guarantees the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of this information. The SC RFA, SC DNR, SC DES, and Dr. Pellett are NOT liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of this information.

More information on the SC RFA projections is available on their website:

More information on the South Carolina Water Plan is available on the SC DES website:

The Introduction article provides an overview of the county population projection data and shows some example graphs.

The Methods article includes metadata from the SC RFA and a detailed description of the calculations for the extended projections and High scenario.

The Results article (Work in Progress) includes graphical and tabular results for all counties.

Use in R

As an R-package, scpopulation can be installed in an R terminal with the following code:

# install.packages('devtools') 